Thank you to my clients who share their experiences and spread the word amongst their loved ones. It has existed solely on word-of-mouth referrals and I’m so grateful.

The road is that much more wonderful walking it with you.

Sian Pascale: Creator & Founder of The Light Collective

I can't recommend the Continuum Process more highly- I have been raving about it to friends! This elegantly simple process has taken me from feeling confused and overwhelmed to being clear and confident about my path forward. In just 2 sessions I feel as though everything swirling in my mind has been summarised, realigned and correctly prioritised. Alice guided me through this work with humour, skill and care. It has been a joy and I know I will be back when I need it again.

The Light Collective

Charlotte Terray: Founder Calm State Kinesiology

This process has left me with such a sense of clarity and stability - I feel truly grounded into what matters most to me and really proud of what has gotten me to this space already. Having Alice’s support to empty your mind/thoughts/big moments/desires onto paper and then organise has been a game changer for me - I have already recommended two close friends to Alice and they are loving working through the process with Alice too. There is nothing quite like this process out there, Alice’s capacity to assist you to see your blind spots and to be a real time cheerleader for you and to hold space through what can be a confronting but incredibly rewarding process is extremely heartfelt and sincere. I can’t wait to revisit my board in 6 months time together - Thank you.

Calm State Kinesiology

Ashlee Grunberg: Performer & Pilates Studio Founder

The opportunity to work with Alice and experience the Continuum Process showed up for me right when I needed it the most. Alice’s ability to create a safe container for me, to unravel my mind along with all my deepest hopes and fears, allowed me to be vulnerable and curious knowing nothing that came up would be judged in any way. 

Alice brings the most compassionate, kind energy to her work that is felt through the sessions and beyond. Leaving me with a greater understanding of myself and where I am currently at in life.

We Were Here Pilates

Brad: Capital & Equity Strategist

I highly recommend the Continuum Process and the amazing Alice.

Laying out my life on one page was an enlightening process. I now have a valuable map that can help me refocus my energies on what really matters.

Alice is an insightful and thoughtful guide - you’re in good hands!

Taylor: Corporate Marketing Leader

Managing family and work and relationships with an increasing urge for change isn't easy. The Continuum Process helped map out my thinking, and helped me define how I feel about where I am today.

It's not easy work, but it's hugely rewarding and I genuinely feel like I'm more equipped to enjoy the journey more as I move forward. Or as Al would say, enjoy 'the beauty in the becoming'.

Client: Positive Psychology Coach

Helping people see themselves more deeply is your gift Alice.

Nicola: Project Manager

This process was like nothing else. It was deep! Connecting on all levels; mind, heart and soul. Creating tangible intentions whilst capturing significant moments.

It honestly feels like my insides are neatly organised outside, and now I have this moment in time captured to reflect back on and to use as a guide. Words can’t quite describe what it feels like to have these parts of self organised in this particular way and with Alice’s gentle, intuitive guidance.

It is a momentousness MOMENT and a gift I’m forever grateful for! There is something incredibly special about giving these inner parts a place to rest within the continuum process. Thank you Alice.

Jesse Ray Smith: Musician

I connected with Alice and TCP at a time when I was feeling generally overwhelmed and unsure of my next steps in life. I’m a musician and a family man and TCP allowed me to go deeper than ever before into clarifying my life goals.

It sounds so simple, but knowing what I really wanted in life and WHY I wanted it was all I needed to move forward with confidence.  It's amazing how much fun that confidence Alice was so amazing in facilitating the whole process.

TCP is a wonderful platform for self discovery and Alice is so gentle in guiding the way. I owe her so much more than I can put into words and I hope this helps more people discover their path to love, health and wealth.

Jesse Ray Smith